
The Eleven hidden benefits Of healthy Hair

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“Oh, I’m having a bad hair day.”

We hear this line often as an excuse, an explanation for things gone wrong, or simply the truth. This is how much hair means to us. It can be the sole determiner of how we should feel on any given day. When you have thick, soft, and shiny hair, you feel like you can take on the world. You like running your fingers through them while running for the bus, proud how your healthy hair falls back into place. but when your locks look and feel messy and unmanageable, you tend to just pull it back in a bun and feel bad about it. men feel the same way. It’s not just the messy hair but mostly the lack or loss of it.

Beautiful and luscious hair was associated with royalty. people from the Greek and Roman times wore it like a crown. The term “bigwig” came from 17th century England when the size of wigs distinguished successful men from those who are not. It is tradition that men of importance wore bigger wigs, thus called “bigwigs.”

It just makes people look and feel better, then and now. Hair growth has always been viewed as a sign of good health while thinning or losing hair is associated with aging and poor health. It is no wonder that hair restoration and transplant is now a billion dollar industry. According to international society for Hair Restorations, nearly a million procedures were performed in 2012 all over the world. Hair restoration is especially popular among middle-aged men who consider baldness and thinning hair as among their top concerns. So why restore your hair exactly? Why is there a need to maintain a healthy, strong hair? below are the hidden benefits of healthy hair, on top of just looking good.

A sign of good health

Photo courtesy of Lazare

Notice that there are illnesses that cause hair to fall off. Every strand of hair has a blood supply that reflects the state of one’s body. being able to grow a full head of healthy hair is a sign of good health. On the other hand, hair breakage and eventual hair loss is often associated aging, hormonal problems, and possibly underlying medical conditions.

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It improves self-esteem

Photo courtesy of JESHOOTS

A study conducted at Yale university found that “bad hair days” are real. but it means so much more than having a bad day. The study reveals that “bad hair days” affect an individual’s self-esteem and instead becomes more self-critical in general. It seems that the perception of “bad hair” leads to men and women doubting their capabilities and tend to perform below their actual level of competence. In fact, just the thought of a messy, untidy hair makes people feel not as smart as others.

It makes you more “socially secure”

The Yale research also found that unhealthy hair intensifies feelings of insecurity and self-consciousness. women react to it feeling more disgraced, embarrassed, ashamed and reserved. On the other hand, men tend to be more nervous, less confident, and inclined to be less sociable. This is generally because when people do not feel confident about their hair or how they look, they become more negative of who they are and find more character flaws that go beyond their appearance.

It grows faster and stronger

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Vitamin D helps keep hair looking good and growing strong. but you can’t find this inside the follicles of unhealthy hair. You can’t expect more hair on your head if it is unhealthy to begin with.

It earns you “kind words”

One survey revealed that 23% of women don’t want to leave their house when their hair is dry, messy, and generally unhealthy. Are you thinking this is too much and another one of those childish tantrums? Not really, according to Dr. Marianne LaFrance, professor of Psychology at Yale University. This is because young girls generally get more compliments about their eyes, skin, and hair than their math or soccer skills. and everyone needs kind words every once in a while.

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It shows you are stress-free

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There are types of hair loss that can be associated with stress. While a temporary work-related stress won’t probably result in thinning hair, extreme stress that causes sleep and diet problems may eventually show in your hair, skin, and weight. speaking of stress, men and women experiencing hair loss stress om deres tresses mer enn andre. Stress, depresjon og sviktende tillit er blant grunnene til at flere og flere leter etter en veiledning for å gjenopprette håret. Tross alt er det mer enn bare forfengelighet.

Det gjør gode førsteinntrykk

Hår rammer ansiktet som anses som viktigst når man gjør førsteinntrykk. Ifølge Dr. Vivian Diller, Psykolog og forfatter av “Face it”, er håret blant de tre beste funksjonene som folk legger merke til på første møter, ved siden av smil og øyne. Hvordan håret ser ut er også blant de tingene som brukes til å beskrive folk når man henter en interaksjon.

Ting går veien

Foto Courtesy of Kaicho20

Ifølge Art Markman, en psykologi professor ved University of Texas, er det rettferdig spill å bry seg om hår fordi med følelsen av selvtillit det gir, har folk en tendens til å ta flere risikoer som å snakke med sjefen eller gjøre noe gutsy på en kontorpresentasjon . Markan sier at vitenskapelig forskning har vist at når noen er i positivt, skjer bedre ting. Så å ha sunt hår som gjør at du føler deg stolt, trygg og positiv kan bety en større sjanse til å gå i din favør.

Sunt hår betyr besparelser

Photo Courtesy of RyanmCguire

Hvis penger brukt er noen indikasjon, er håret en runaway-vinner i skjønnhetskategorien. Fra sjampo, balsam og kremer til salongbehandlinger med det beste salongutstyret, hår restaurering eller barberutstyr hvis du er en til å lage dine egne kutt, er det klart at håret er noe vi er besatt av. Når folk har naturlig sunt hår, desto mindre fikserer de på den og bruker på den. Helse på håret er genetisk og kommer med alder, men også med mat du spiser, vedlikehold, og ikke torturere det hver eneste dag med kjemikalier og blåses tørr.

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Beslektet artikkel: Cortex flat jernanlegg.

Sunt hår for tidløs skjønnhet

I motsetning til andre kosmetiske forbedringer, er hårprosedyrer generelt mye mindre radikale, men gir en stor forskjell. Det er derfor hår restaurering og transplantasjon er å få i popularitet fordi folk innser at sunt hår betyr skjønnhet i tidene. I motsetning til kirurgiske ansiktsforbedringer som du ikke kan nekte, gir hårprosedyrer en ungdommelig glød uten problemer med å se rett og slett skumle.

Du ser bare ut og føles bra

Photo Courtesy of Nuhart Clinic Filippinene

Hvem vil ikke se og føle seg godt om seg selv? Dette er kanskje den viktigste fordelen av sunt hår – gir deg en bedre følelse av hvem du er. Å våkne om morgenen med en hopp, full og skinnende hår forbedrer øyeblikkelig humør og gjør folk generelt begeistret for ting fremover.

Å ha et sunt hår er mer enn å se frisk og alltid selfie-klar. Luscious locks are a sign of what’s going on in our body. It also plays a huge role in how other people see us and more importantly, how we see ourselves.

By Jeanette Anzon for The healthy moms blog Magazine.

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